Romantic Rain….



Think rains, and you cannot escape your romantic side being unleashed. It’s the essence which rains create that makes you fall in love with it. Whether it’s the smell of the first rains that seduces you to pour out your heart’s hidden desires for your loved one or makes you take that pen to paper to express unsaid feelings in a poem or unleash your passion on the canvas with colours reflecting the vivid moods the rains get you into.

images-1It can make you sit home having hot coffee or just simply snuggling up with your love; it can also make you want to go out and get completely drenched. Maybe even make you do a little rain salsa .

With the rains coming in every year, there’s a different story to tell. The wondrous moments spent even while you just sit together and look back, give you a different…

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Romantic Rain….


Think rains, and you cannot escape your romantic side being unleashed. It’s the essence which rains create that makes you fall in love with it. Whether it’s the smell of the first rains that seduces you to pour out your heart’s hidden desires for your loved one or makes you take that pen to paper to express unsaid feelings in a poem or unleash your passion on the canvas with colours reflecting the vivid moods the rains get you into.


It can make you sit home having hot coffee or just simply snuggling up with your love; it can also make you want to go out and get completely drenched. Maybe even make you do a little rain salsa .

With the rains coming in every year, there’s a different story to tell. The wondrous moments spent even while you just sit together and look back, give you a different high.That’s the magic of rains. Maybe the way it brings everything on a hold and lets nature play it’s part, it definitely triggers your mind to get thinking, being creative, being romantic!

So bring out the romantic side in you and enjoy….

Until next time….

Different aspect to life..


Respect others skills and their virtues. Their flaws too. Respect their thoughts. Let them finish what they are saying, don’t interrupt, don’t be dismissive. Try to understand what they’re getting at. Let them be who they are. I am convinced that people are exactly as judgmental about themselves as they are about others. Find the value in others, or you will never see it in yourself. Forget the ways in which you would like other people to be different. Forgive them, and forgive yourself. Forgive yourself every time you wake up, and every time you go to bed. Forgive yourself every time you screw up.

Respect the world around you. The spectacles, the scenes, the details. Respect buildings and the people who built them. Respect businesses and the people who run them. Respect the trees. Respect the tiny, yellow-flowered weed that vehemently persists in thrusting itself up through the cracks…

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Different aspect to life..

Respect others skills and their virtues. Their flaws too. Respect their thoughts. Let them finish what they are saying, don’t interrupt, don’t be dismissive. Try to understand what they’re getting at. Let them be who they are. I am convinced that people are exactly as judgmental about themselves as they are about others. Find the value in others, or you will never see it in yourself. Forget the ways in which you would like other people to be different. Forgive them, and forgive yourself. Forgive yourself every time you wake up, and every time you go to bed. Forgive yourself every time you screw up.

Respect the world around you. The spectacles, the scenes, the details. Respect buildings and the people who built them. Respect businesses and the people who run them. Respect the trees. Respect the tiny, yellow-flowered weed that vehemently persists in thrusting itself up through the cracks in the sidewalk. It invests all its energy in growing, and it absolutely insists on being itself.

Love is picking up the dumbells the moment you start making excuses. Love is doing your scariest task first thing in the morning.

It’s not quitting early and treating yourself to a beer.  It’s not telling yourself it’s okay for your apartment to be a pigsty.

There is a choice in every moment, between acting out of love, or out of fear.  At any instant, you can stop and look at the moment, and it is clear which action is which.  You will make a habit out of choosing one or the other.

You won’t be able to have respect if you do not make a habit of recognizing value.  There is value in every person, object, place and moment, but you may miss it if you hold faults to be more important.

Find the endless value in the world around you, and it will be easy to find the endless value in yourself. Eventually you will no longer see a difference between the two.

Just a different aspect to life.

Until next time….



Love- a widely misunderstood yet highly desirable malfunction of heart which weaken the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and lips to pucker.

I don’t pretend to know wht love is for everyone; I can only tell you what’s it’s for me. Love is knowing all about someone and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them to tell them everything about you ( even your darkest secrets) without feeling ashamed, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they enter the room and smile and you.

Everyone says you only fall in love once for me everything I look at him and I fall in love with him all over again and that’s my friend is love.

My favourite quote for love— I love you for not what you are…

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I believe in being unique. I believe that trying to blend in with a crowd is highly over-rated. And that if you are trying to fit in with everyone else, you will never be able to be a complete individual in life. For myself, I believe that being unique makes me, me and no one can change that.

I believe in being myself and trying not to care what others thing of you. Its hard to not care about what people think, I have been ridiculed for my hobbies and my general way I act, but its just a few peoples opinions and not mine and that’s what counts.

I believe in being an individual. I am one person so I should choose how I want to be. Letting others influence me could lead me down paths I don’t want to be on. I believe that being an individual will…

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Isn’t it fascinating how something as small and portable as books can revolutionize our lives.Its a treasure house of knowledge. They educate, entertain and serve as good companion when we are lonely.books console us when we are in sorrow.

I love the old school concept of having a hard copy in my hand sitting on my favorite couch with a nice aromatic cup of coffee whose scent tickling my nose. Its my time, my world away from my normal life in a different life where with every page I turn I can run my imagination in visualizing what is written. When I was in college hostel my roommate whose to hide my novels because I wont stop reading until its finished.I use to be a crazy fan of Sidney Sheldon, Robin Cook, Jeffery Archer, Danielle Steel etc. The characters, the plot, the adventurer, the suspense simply amazing. Then i got…

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