People say that a kiss is one of the most powerful thing ever.I agree, but people should know how powerful a HUG could be.

HUG can be of different types, so lets start

The Caring Hug- Its when you see someone who is emotionally and physically down and you give them a hug to let them know that you care for them and everything is going to be fine.

The Missing Hug-Its like when you are away from someone for a very long time and you miss them so much that when you see them you give them a hug.

The Hate Hug-Its when you see someone you don’t like and act as if everything is ok and hug each other and make things look as if they are ok.

The Safe Hug- its when you hold someone in your arms just to make them feel that they are safe with you and you are going to take care of them.

Most of all The Love Hug-The most strong of all its when you feel a different rush in your body just to hold the person so close to you and never let them go. just holding them makes you feel calm and peaceful and a sense of contentment.

Do let me know if I missed out anything. Feel free to comment.

Until next time….. Do HUG

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